
April 23, 2020 - "Promos for Draguntome: The Heir Revealed, (#2)"

"Draguntome: The Heir Revealed" is just around the corner, and I'm currently in the process of setting up multiple promos in preparation for the big event. There will be several ARC reviews on Amazon, Goodreads and various sites, also traffic should be inbound from BookFunnel promo sales and giveaways, and from various other sources. This campaign is an orchestrated effort involving many different parties, so get ready for some really interesting developments over the next few months.

For those who are visiting the site from one of these sources, feel free to contact me at info(at)kmplum(dot)com for any questions you might have! Thanks for everything, and I'm very much looking forward to what comes next!

-K. M. Plum | the Author

Author: kmplum

K. M. Plum, author of the Draguntome series, has a deeply layered, highly-immersive style that was developed through self-guided, organic exploration, and has received interest from highly respected literary agencies such as Penguin Press and Talcott-Notch.

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